Project Euler Problem 19: Counting Sundays

The source code for this problem can be found here.

Problem Statement

You are given the following information, but you may prefer to do some research for yourself.

  • 1 Jan 1900 was a Monday.

  • Thirty days has September,
    April, June and November.
    All the rest have thirty-one,
    Saving February alone,
    Which has twenty-eight, rain or shine.
    And on leap years, twenty-nine.
  • A leap year occurs on any year evenly divisible by 4, but not on a century unless it is divisible by 400.

How many Sundays fell on the first of the month during the twentieth century (1 Jan 1901 to 31 Dec 2000)?

Solution Discussion

We could use Python’s datetime module, but that feels too much like cheating

Instead, the above information will be used to count the number of Sundays falling on the first of the month.

Solution Implementation

class Date(object):
    """ A simple date abstraction representing a dd/mm/yyyy

    .. note:: the parameters are numbered in the natural way; i.e. ``day`` takes the range :math:`[1,31]`, ``month``
              takes the range :math:`[1,12]` and ``year`` takes the range :math:`[0, 9999]`.

    :param day: the initial date value (day, or dd)
    :param month: the initial date value (month, or mm)
    :param year: the initial date value (year, or yyyy)

    def __init__(self, day: int, month: int, year: int):
        # Basic parameter validation
        assert isinstance(day, int), "day must be an integer"
        assert isinstance(month, int), "month must be an integer"
        assert isinstance(year, int), "year must be an integer"
        assert 1 <= day <= 31, "day must be in [1, 31]"
        assert 1 <= month <= 12, "month must be in [1, 12]"
        assert 0 <= year <= 9999, "year must be in [0, 9999]"

        # Store the initial date provided = day
        self.month = month
        self.year = year

    def __str__(self):
        """ String representation of a Date object """
        return "{}/{}/{}".format(, self.month, self.year)

    def __le__(self, other: 'Date') -> bool:
        """ Test whether this ``Date`` instance is less than or equal to the `other` ``Date`` instance

        :param other: the ``Date`` instance to compare against
        :return: ``True`` if the current ``Date`` is equal to or before the `other` ``Date`` instance
        :return: ``False`` otherwise

        if isinstance(other, Date):
            if self.year < other.year:
                return True  # earlier year
            elif self.year == other.year and self.month < other.month:
                return True  # same year, earlier month
            elif self.month == other.month and <
                return True  # same year, same month, earlier day
        return False  # any other case

    def __add__(self, other: int) -> 'Date':
        """ Addition operator

        This class allows for integer values to be added to it. Semantically, this represents adding that integer number
        of days to the current date value stored. The new date value will be returned by this operator.

        :param other: the number of days to add to this ``Date`` instance
        :return: a new ``Date`` instance with `other` days added to the current value

        if not isinstance(other, int):
            raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +")

        rv = Date(, self.month, self.year)  # build new Date instance with the same value
        if + other > Date.days_to_a_month(rv.month, rv.year):
            other -= Date.days_to_a_month(rv.month, rv.year) -
   = 0
            rv.month += 1
        if rv.month > 12:
            rv.month = 1
            rv.year += 1 += other
        return rv

    def leap_year(year: int) -> bool:
        """ Test whether the given `year` is a leap-year

        :param year: the year to test
        :return: ``True`` if `year` is a leap-year, ``False`` otherwise

        return ((year % 4) == 0) and (((year % 100) != 0) or ((year % 400) == 0))

    def days_to_a_month(month, year):
        """ Compute the number of days in the month and year provided

        :param month: the given month
        :param year: the given year
        :return: the number of days in the given month and year

        standard_days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

        if month == 2 and Date.leap_year(year):
            return 29  # February has 29 days in a leap-year
            return standard_days[month - 1]

def solve():
    """ Compute the answer to Project Euler's problem #19 """

    lower_bound = Date(1, 1, 1901)
    upper_bound = Date(31, 12, 2000)
    current_date = Date(1, 1, 1900)
    answer = 0

    current_date += 6  # first Sunday after 1/1/1900

    # Skip over Sundays, one week at a time, until 1/1/1901
    while current_date <= lower_bound:
        current_date += 7  # next Sunday

    # Skip over Sundays, one week at a time, until 31/12/2000
    while current_date <= upper_bound:
        if == 1:
            answer += 1  # this is a Sunday and the first of a month
        current_date += 7

    return answer

expected_answer = 171
class solutions.problem19.Date(day, month, year)

Bases: object

A simple date abstraction representing a dd/mm/yyyy


the parameters are numbered in the natural way; i.e. day takes the range \([1,31]\), month takes the range \([1,12]\) and year takes the range \([0, 9999]\).

  • day (int) – the initial date value (day, or dd)
  • month (int) – the initial date value (month, or mm)
  • year (int) – the initial date value (year, or yyyy)
static days_to_a_month(year)

Compute the number of days in the month and year provided

  • month – the given month
  • year – the given year

the number of days in the given month and year

static leap_year(year)

Test whether the given year is a leap-year

Parameters:year (int) – the year to test
Return type:bool
Returns:True if year is a leap-year, False otherwise

Compute the answer to Project Euler’s problem #19